Crystal Eye Essentials Module 2: Crystal Eye XDR Demo
THURSDAY, 09th MAY 2024
11:30 AM AWST
Red Piranha Partner Sales Enablement Webinar
FRIDAY, 17th MAY 2024
11:30 AM AWST

Crystal Eye XDR (Extended Detection & Response) is a new approach that provides end-to-end security
all from a single integrated platform.


Crystal Eye secures your organisation from the cloud to the endpoint
with a range of advanced security technologies.

News and Events

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Red Piranha, a forefront developer and manufacturer of advanced cybersecurity technology in Australia, is thrilled to announce a new collaboration with The University of New South Wales (UNSW); uplifting the work related to technology…
November 13, 2023

In this report, we discuss three new threats - Bandit Stealer, FakeSG APT and Atlassian Confluence CVE-2023-22518. In the past week, our SecOps team has identified 103 new ransomware victims from 20 distinct industries across 30…
November 7, 2023

Red Piranha, Australia’s leading developer and manufacturer of advanced cyber security solutions, today announces the availability of 14 new Points of Presence globally. The announcement follows the recent launch of the Security First…