These guidelines represent a unified global effort to enhance cybersecurity readiness and defence against the increasingly sophisticated landscape of cyberattacks.
Here, we compare Red Piranha’s Crystal Eye against some known names and products in the Network Firewalls category on Gartner, to highlight how Crystal Eye stacks up against these other solutions.
Crystal Eye XDR Cryptographic Capability and Standards
This report aims to help end users understand some of these requirements, explain the formal position around cryptographic standards, and provide assurance to partners around cryptographic functionality.
At Red Piranha, we pride ourselves on our high standard of customer service and our product capabilities. In relation to Network Firewalls, Red Piranha holds a firm lead in Product Capability Rating and customers’ Willingness-to-Recommend.
Positioning Cyber Security Risk Management Within Consolidated Security Platform
This research paper is a part of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, published in the eBook, Volume 61: Building Cyber Resilience against Hybrid Threats.
The team found that the product has evolved since its initial audit in 2017 to include updated cybersecurity protection technologies and further integrated services, taking it from the former UTM system to a more comprehensive XDR platform.
Red Piranha’s Crystal Eye Next-Generation Firewall Operating System
The Red Piranha Next-Generation Enterprise Crystal Eye UTM product family protects the network internally as well as the perimeter, optimising connectivity and simplifying the administration of network operations.
CPS 234 is a prudential standard that requires APRA-regulated organisations to strengthen their information security framework in order to protect themselves and their customers.