Crystal Eye XDR (Extended Detection & Response) is a new approach that provides end-to-end security
all from a single integrated platform.
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Crystal Eye secures your organisation from the cloud to the endpoint
with a range of advanced security technologies.
News and Events
In this week's report, we have detected 4 new threats: Rhadamanthys Sealer, Hive Malware Backdoor, Zerobot Malware, Playful Taurus APT, and Kimsuky APT.
Threat Intelligence Report. Red Piranha detected 6 new threats: LummaC2 Stealer, Turla Malware, SugarCRM Auth Bypass, BlindEagle APT, Ginp Malware, and Linux.Backdoor.WordPressExploit.1
Incident Response Retainer program. Fast escalation and SecOps team on-demand for Incident Response and Digital Forensics.